About Us
“There are few professionals that have experience and knowledge to help patients who suffer from environmental illness. There is virtually no-one to available to help these people find safe homes”
“There are few professionals that have experience and knowledge to help patients who suffer from environmental illness. There is virtually no-one to available to help these people find safe homes”
I began writing science-oriented articles about mold in 2015. I enjoyed researching and writing about environmental illness resulting from patients who suffer from sick homes. I observed the disconnect between regular physicians and those who treat for environmental illness. At . the same time, I have regularly consulted with several experts in the fields of Environmental Medicine, Bau-Biology, and HVAC, and building science.
My interest in this specific niche of environmental illness follows a 20 year career in the pharmaceutical research, development, and commercialization Industries. My role was to acquired new technologies or companies and incorporated new scientific developments for the next generation R&D. I worked with enabling technologies to make drug discovery and development “Faster, Better (targeted and safer), & Cheaper” across numerous therapeutic areas, debilitation chronic illness, and unmet medical needs.
I found that environmental illness is an unmet medical need that touches numerous industries and multiple scientific, medical, and trade disciplines. It suited my capabilities and desire to help “hopeless” patients get better without high priced pharmaceuticals. I work within an informal network of building science professionals, specialist inspectors, and the trades that can fix sick homes. These experts are often referred to by Environmental Illness Doctors for severely ill patients. While consulting real estate company on a separate project, I realized that environmental illness is a significant blind-spot for home purchasers.
With over 50% f home buyers having someone in the household with a chronic illness, the criteria to find a home with quality indoor air and minimal indoor pollutants is tragically overlooked. This site is dedicated to helping families and individuals with chronic illness to identify homes that not have quality indoor air or or have problems that create health risks. It is also meant to expose people to the various professionals with the knowledge to fix or buy a home conducive to wellness.
Dany Gough
Energy Solutions, Inc.
PO Box 745
Lewisville, NC 27023
336 463 2005
Martine Davis, BBEC
Certified Building Biologist
Indoor Environmental Testing Inc.
Wisconsin 608-241- 9883
Tennessee 615-649-6080
Jeff Bookout
Botanical Fogging Expert
22 SW Oak Tree Dr. Lawton, OK
73505 580-574-1373
JW Biava
Immunolytics, Mold Plate Lab Analysis 5930 Midway Park Blvd.
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Ph: (505) 217-0339
Cell: (505) 379-9584
Joe Spurgeon, Ph.D., CIH
Bayshore Environmental
1515 Wavertree Lane
Fullerton, CA 92831
Phone: 714-719-5020 http